Mortgage Protection

What does your idea of home look like? For some, it’s a modern house that overlooks the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean. For others, it’s a rambling ranch home comfortably situated in the middle of nowhere. For still others, home is a modest place in the suburbs with a small garden and a picket fence.
Your idea of home is unique, but we all share the desire to keep our homes safe. At Family First Life Golden State, we know why your home is important, and that’s why we offer mortgage protection insurance. If you should become seriously injured, critically ill, or even pass away unexpectedly, this policy is designed to pay off your mortgage payments and ensure the standard of living you and your loved ones enjoy doesn’t change.
While there are a number of different mortgage protection policies and features available, there’s no need to worry. Since 2014, we’ve been working with clients to create personalized policies that offer only benefits they need. Plus, since we’re not affiliated with a specific insurance company, we have the flexibility to shop around and save you money. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us online or by phone today.